Crime Prevention is the backbone of raising a community of heroes who will change the future of this country. At Darul Uloom Center, we collaborate with the local neighbors and other agencies in reducing the crime rate. In order to achieve this goal, Darul Uloom Center has invited the Saint Paul Police Department to welcome at the center.
An effective crime prevention program requires the whole community to be vigilant and report whenever a suspicious activity occurs.
Strategies that Darul Uloom Center uses in reducing crime rate.
Weekend & Weekdays Soccer sessions – Darul Uloom Center has a gym where community members are able to play soccer and hold a tournament throughout the year. By intervening early, we are very successful in making sure that every youth has things to do whenever they get out of school.
Video Game tournaments – As more kids stay indoors due to Covid-19, Darul Uloom Center will implement video game strategies. Youth will be able to play with each other and win prizes. Some of the benefits of holding a video game tournaments are:
- Quick dynamic and a further developed critical thinking expertise
- Upgrades fast reasoning and performing various tasks
- Help in improving decision making.
- Help improve vision